Swiss Basic Income Appeal

This film can accelerate the Basic Income Movement!

Thank you to Enno Schmidt, Che Wagner and Pola Rapatt for this video!
In a time of accelerating income inequality, and increasing efficiencies that prevent millions from participating in a meaningful economy, comes a surprisingly simple solution. UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME. Which means that every man, woman and child receives a monthly check to cover basic expenses, in most countries, in US and Europe, about $2,800/person/month. Sounds utopian? Actually, UNCONDITIONAL BASIC INCOME has been discussed by economists from both the right and the left for over 300 years, and it is being seriously discussed now from Europe to the United States. That said, it is not yet well known to the general public and therefore we feel that the time for a UNCONDITIONAL BASIC INCOME has arrived. As such, we are supporting the UNCONDITIONAL BASIC INCOME movement by making a documentary feature film about as well as create several short films that will be distributed online. If this campaign is a success, the funds raised above the production budget will go to the UBI movement. As part of the UNCONDITIONAL BASIC INCOME movement, we have made this campaign accessible to everyone and we hope that many people participate. Watch our promo and find out why enacting an UNCONDITIONAL BASIC INCOME for all may very well be how we solve many of our most pressing and intractable problems and free people to create lives free of the bondage of economic servitude.

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